Leaving Merrist Wood College in 1998, with NVQ 1 & 2 in small animal care. After a life time love of animals, I then travelled to Australia, to work in a family run vets, in Melbourne, for a year.
I have always been passionate about dogs. In the past 18 years I have helped charity's from all over the world, mostly Europe, doing volunteer work which included rescuing and re-homing well over 500 street dogs.
I currently have a rescue from Spain , I found him as a 4 week old pup, his name is Neo and is now 13 he is 'husky cross dutch Shepherd' whom is my handsome mascot for my website and mr teddington 2 from Romania
Photos from 'Pup Aid', Regents Park and Primrose Hill
Saturday 7th September 2013
I met some fantastic people at 'Pup Aid'. Celebrities included Matthew Wright & Kevin O'Sullivan, the 'K9 Angels' and TVs This Morning's 'Marc the Vet'.
- De-matting
- Wash & Blow
- Clipping & stripping
- Nail Clipping
- Skin care
- Flea removal
- FURminator
- plus more
Monday - Saturday
9.30 AM - 5:00 PM
72 Summers Road, Farncombe
Godalming, Surrey GU7 3BE
Mail: info@charliesk9angels.co.uk
Tel: 01483 385836 | 07585 907480
Copyright (c) 2014 Charlie's K9 Angels | 72 Summers Road, Farncombe, Godalming, Surrey GU7 3BE | All rights reserved
Website by Krell Freelance Technology